11, Number 12 (December 2013) pp.
2201-2408 |
of Portable Digital Microscope by Using
Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Image Sensor for
Biomedical Applications Chen-Sung Chiang,
Ke-Nung Huang, Yan-Chay Li, and Ching-Hsing Luo Sensor
Lett. 11, 2201-2206 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Optical Fiber Formaldehyde Biosensor
Based on a Modified Single Sol-Gel Film of Alcohol Oxidase and
Chlorophenol Red in Flow System M. Amrun
Hidayat, W. Christiana, and B. Kuswandi Sensor Lett.
11, 2207-2214 (2013) [Abstract]
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Development of an Electronic Nose for
Determining the Freshness of Fish by the Desorption Constants
of Sensors J. Vorobioff, D. F. Rodriguez, N. G.
Boggio, and C. A. Rinaldi Sensor Lett. 11, 2215-2217
(2013) [Abstract]
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Electrochemical Detection of Glutathione
Based on Inkjet-Printed Graphene Modified Screen Printed
Carbon Paste Electrode Patiya Pasakon,
Chanpen Karuwan, Chakrit Sriprachuabwong, Anurat Wisitsoraat,
Ditsayuth Phokharatkul, Tanom Lomas, and Adisorn
Tuantranont Sensor Lett. 11, 2218-2226 (2013) [Abstract]
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Enhanced Electrochemical Determination
of Trinitrophenol Based on Pyrenecyclodextrin Functionalized
Reduced Graphene Oxide Qin Sun, Liyou Wang,
Lin Qi, Cuiping Gu, and Jiarui Huang Sensor Lett. 11,
2227-2232 (2013) [Abstract]
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Hydrothermal Synthesis and Gas Sensing
Properties of CuO Nanorods N. Gopalakrishnan, S.
Bhuvaneshwari, L. Balakrishnan, and S. Gowrishankar Sensor
Lett. 11, 2233-2240 (2013) [Abstract]
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Symmetry Breaking in Electromagnetic
Spherical Cz Crystal Growth with Rotating Crystal and Crucible
F. Mokhtari, A. Bouabdallah, and A. Merah Sensor
Lett. 11, 2241-2249 (2013) [Abstract]
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Structural, Microstructural and Magnetic
Properties of Nanocrystalline Ni75Fe25
Compound Produced by Mechanical Alloying A.
Kaibi, A. Guittoum, N. Fenineche, N. Souami, and M. Kechouane Sensor
Lett. 11, 2250-2256 (2013) [Abstract]
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Design of 3D Acceleration Sensor Based
on TRIZ Theory Fan Jiang, Zhenzhang Liu, Jiajie
Ou, and Yijun Wang Sensor Lett. 11, 2257-2263 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Li Doping on Electronic and
Magnetic Properties of Small Pt Clusters Farida
Saad, Mourad Zemirli, Mouloud Benakki, and Said Bouarab Sensor
Lett. 11, 2264-2271 (2013) [Abstract]
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Poly(Xylene Cyanol FF) Chemical Sensor
for the Boost Up of Electro-Catalytic Oxidation of L-Dopa in
the Presence of Ascorbic Acid and Uric Acid: A
Voltammetric Study K. Reddaiah, T. Madhusudana
Reddy, M. Mohan Reddy, and P. Raghu Sensor Lett. 11,
2272-2281 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetization Reversal and Spin Waves in
Cobalt Nanocylinders Electrodeposited Into Nanoporous Alumina
Template K. Bouziane, Y. Roussigné, S. M.
Chérif, A. A. Stashkevich, M. Vasquez, M. R. Britel,
and M. Cherkaoui Sensor Lett. 11, 2282-2286 (2013) [Abstract]
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CO Sensor Based on Au-TiO2
Nanowires Prepared by Conventional Heat-Treatment
Inhee Lee, Huyong Lee, and Sheikh A. Akbar Sensor
Lett. 11, 2287-2290 (2013) [Abstract]
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Differential Response of Ag2O
Nano-Colloid on Interacting with Halide Ions V.
Andal and G. Buvaneswari Sensor Lett. 11, 2291-2296
(2013) [Abstract]
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Development of Fly Ash Sensors for CO
and CO2 Gases Rajendra S. Khairnar,
Madhuri A. Lakhane, and Megha P. Mahabole Sensor Lett.
11, 2297-2303 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Profiles of Ni3N
(001) Surfaces Cheballah Yamina, Ziane
Abdelhamid, Bouarab Said, Benakki Mouloud, and Demangeat
Claude Sensor Lett. 11, 2304-2309 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electrodes Based on Functionalized
Carbon Nanotubes as Sensors to Determine Fenitrothion in Apple
Tea Samples Fernanda Palazzo, Lúcia
Codognoto, and Fábio Ruiz Simões Sensor
Lett. 11, 2310-2314 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis of a New Oxime to the
Construction of a Mercury Potentiometric Sensor Leila
Hajiaghababaei, Behzad Abutalebyar, Mohammad Raouf Darvich,
and Shiva Shekoftefar Sensor Lett. 11, 2315-2321
(2013) [Abstract]
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Nitric Dioxide and Acetone Sensors Based
on Iron Oxide Nanoparticles J. Ivanco, .
Luby, M. Jergel, P. iffalovic, M. Benkovicová, Y.
Halahovets, E. Majková, R. Rella, and M. G. Manera Sensor
Lett. 11, 2322-2326 (2013) [Abstract]
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Increased Diffusion Coefficient of
Polymeric Nanocomposite Layer for Gas Sensing Applications
Ionut Nicolae, Cristian Viespe, Natalia Serban, Constantin
Catalin Negrila, Valentin Serban Teodorescu, and Lucian
Trupina Sensor Lett. 11, 2327-2332 (2013) [Abstract]
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Deploying Arima and Artificial Neural
Networks Models to Predict Energy Consumption in Taiwan
Feng-Kuang Chuang, Chih-Young Hung, Chi-Ya Chang, and
Kuo-Cheng Kuo Sensor Lett. 11, 2333-2340 (2013) [Abstract]
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Foil Microcantilevers for Magnetic Manipulation and Localized
Heating Angelo Gaitas and Brandon H. McNaughton Sensor
Lett. 11, 2341-2344 (2013) [Abstract]
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Table of Contents to Volume 11, Numbers
1-12, 2013 Sensor Lett. 11, 2345-2362 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Author Index to Volume 11, Numbers 1-12,
2013 Sensor Lett. 11, 2363-2395 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Subject Index to Volume 11, Numbers
1-12, 2013 Sensor Lett. 11, 2396-2408 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
11, Number 11 (November 2013) pp.
2015-2199 |
Effect of Copper Oxide on H2S Sensing Properties
of Nanostructured WO3 Rasoul
Nowrouzi, Fatemeh Razi, Fereshteh Rahimi, and Azam Iraji zad Sensor
Lett. 11, 2015-2020 (2013) [Abstract]
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Comparative Study of Responses of Two
Enzymatic Biosensors Based on Lipase from Candida rugosa
and Porcine Pancreas for Detection of Diclofop-Methyl
Souad Baali, R. Kherrat, S. Zougar, Z. Djeghaba,
F. Benamia, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, and N. Haddour Sensor
Lett. 11, 2021-2029 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Inter-Particle Interactions in
Magnetic Nanoparticle Ensembles S. Bedanta, N.
Chowdhury, and W. Kleemann Sensor Lett. 11, 2030-2037
(2013) [Abstract]
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Gold Nanoparticle Embedded Titanium
Dioxide Thin Film for Surface Plasmon Resonance Gas Sensing at
Room Temperature Gaige Zheng, Linhua Xu, Yu
Zhan, Yigen Wu, and Chengyi Zhang Sensor Lett. 11,
2038-2042 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetization Dynamics in Co2MnGe/Al2O3/Co
Tunnel Junctions Grown on Different Substrates M.
Belmeguenai, H. Tuzcuoglu, F. Zighem, S.-M. Chérif, Y.
Roussigné, K. Westerholt, P. Moch, A. El Bahoui, C.
Genevois, and A. Fnidiki Sensor Lett. 11, 2043-2048
(2013) [Abstract]
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Selective Lead Ion Sensor Based on the
CuO Nanoshuttles Z. H. Ibupoto, K. Khun, and M.
Willander Sensor Lett. 11, 2049-2054 (2013) [Abstract]
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Detection of Banana Bunchy Top Virus
Using Impedance Spectroscopy S. Majumder, B.
Bhattacharya, Pramod K. Singh, and Shivangi Johari Sensor
Lett. 11, 2055-2059 (2013) [Abstract]
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Surface Acoustic Wave H2 Gas
Sensor Using Pd Nanoporous Films Imprinted with Wave-Guide
Channels Cristian Viespe and Ionut Nicolae Sensor
Lett. 11, 2060-2063 (2013) [Abstract]
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Using Eddy Current Measuring System for
Conductivity Based Gas Sensor Jaromír
Seidl, Stanislav Dad'o, Jana Jireová, and
Jaroslav Hofmann Sensor Lett. 11, 2064-2071 (2013) [Abstract]
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Vanadyl (VO2+)-Selective
Polymeric Membrane Sensor Using Benzene-1,4-Diyl
Bis(3-nitrobenzoate) as Neutral Carrier Gyanendra
Singh, Geeta Rani, and Sanjay Singh Sensor Lett. 11,
2072-2076 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Special Section on Classification
Technology of Imagery Sensors Guest Editors: Jie
Jia, Yong Yang, and Yuncai Zhou Sensor Lett. 11,
2077-2078 (2013) [Abstract]
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Novel Power-Aware Scheduling Mechanism for a Multicore-Based
Smart Sensor Slo-Li Chu, Shiue-Ru Chen, and
Sheng-Fu Weng Sensor Lett. 11, 2079-2085 (2013) [Abstract]
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Fast Invisible Triangle Culling
Mechanism for 3D Rendering Hardware Slo-Li Chu
and Chih-Chieh Hsiao Sensor Lett. 11, 2086-2093 (2013) [Abstract]
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Robust Stabilization Control for the
Floated Sensor Inertial Platform Anliang Li, Hong
Cai, Shifeng Zhang, and Xibin Bai Sensor Lett. 11,
2094-2097 (2013) [Abstract]
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Research and Realization on Multiple
Bands Prediction Coding of Remote Sensing Image Based on Wireless
Sensor Network Wang Gang, Bai Jing, Liu Cai, Cai
Hua, and Liu Qiang Sensor Lett. 11, 2098-2100 (2013) [Abstract]
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KDS_CLU: Clustering Defects in System
Based on Condition Characters Changhong Hu,
Shufen Liu, and Mingyang Liu Sensor Lett. 11,
2101-2104 (2013) [Abstract]
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Liquid Level Sensor Based on the Coaxial
Cable Capacitance Mechanism Baoquan Jin, Xin Liu,
and Hongjuan Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 2105-2109 (2013) [Abstract]
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Adaptive Fading Memory Unscented Kalman
Filter Algorithm for Passive Target Tracking Yucheng
Liu and Yubin Liu Sensor Lett. 11, 2110-2113 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Optimization of Square Wave
Voltammetry's Parameters for the Determination of Copper Using
Screen-Printed Eletrochemical Sensor Junfeng
Dou, Yingying Wang, Aizhong Ding, En Xie, and Fuqiang Fan Sensor
Lett. 11, 2114-2116 (2013) [Abstract]
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Research on Application-Layer Routing
Mechanism of IP Sensor Communication System Wang
Bin, Duan You-Xiang, and Ma Ying Sensor Lett. 11,
2117-2121 (2013) [Abstract]
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Fuzzy Neural Network Control Strategy of
a Wind Generation and Flywheel Energy Storage Sensor Combined
System Wang Jian, Cai Changqing, Ren Xiaoping,
Zhong Ruilin, Zhang Yue, Yao Hong, and Ding Jing'an Sensor
Lett. 11, 2122-2125 (2013) [Abstract]
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Super-Resolution Reconstruction Sensor
Using Adaptively Combined Partial Differential Equations
Shuying Huang and Yong Yang Sensor Lett. 11,
2126-2130 (2013) [Abstract]
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Design of Digital Phase Locked Sensor
Loop for Paralleled Inverters Baoshan Huang, Wei
Xu, Xinfeng Zou, and Shihua Yuan Sensor Lett. 11,
2131-2133 (2013) [Abstract]
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Intelligent Fusion Control Strategy for
Water Supply Sensor System Yucheng Liu and Yubin
Liu Sensor Lett. 11, 2134-2136 (2013) [Abstract]
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Multi-Sensor Image Fusion Based on a New
Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Technique Yong
Yang Sensor Lett. 11, 2137-2140 (2013) [Abstract]
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Provably Secure Three-Party
Authenticated Key Exchange Based on Certificateless Key
Encapsulation Sensor Mechanism Junhan Yang
and Tianjie Cao Sensor Lett. 11, 2141-2144 (2013) [Abstract]
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Development of an Field-Programmable
Gate Arrays-Based Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Sensor Mobile
Robot for the Teaching of Embedded Robotics Ter-Feng
Wu, Hsu-Chih Huang, and Ying-Ren Chien Sensor Lett.
11, 2145-2148 (2013) [Abstract]
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Cryptanalysis of a Sensor Smart Card
Based Password Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity Tianjie
Cao and Shi Huang Sensor Lett. 11, 2149-2151 (2013) [Abstract]
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Design and Implementation of High-Speed
Sensor Netlist Mapping System Yuehai Wang and
Qinyong Wang Sensor Lett. 11, 2152-2155 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Accidents Analysis and Analytic
Network Process Model to Identify Faulty Behavior Risk in Work
System of Hydropower Construction Zhiyu Sun
and Jianlan Zhou Sensor Lett. 11, 2156-2158 (2013) [Abstract]
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Multi-Step Forecasting for Hourly Wind
Speed Using Multi-Attribute Decision Making with Empirical
Mode Decomposition and Computational Intelligence Sensor Dongfeng
Wang, Fuqiang Wang, Yongjie Zhai, and Chenglin Niu Sensor
Lett. 11, 2159-2163 (2013) [Abstract]
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Sensor Controller Parameter Optimizing
of Sewage Treatment System Yucheng Liu and Yubin
Liu Sensor Lett. 11, 2164-2167 (2013) [Abstract]
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Based on Artificial Immunity Theory to
Generate Pseudo Random-Sequence and Research on Encryption in
Mobile Sensor Mingyu Yue Sensor
Lett. 11, 2168-2170 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Method of Determining 3D and 2D Gamut
Boundary for 3-Colorants Sensor Devices Bangyong
Sun, Yinting Wu, and Shisheng Zhou Sensor Lett. 11,
2171-2173 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Novel Approach of Analog Circuit
Sensor Fault Diagnosis Using Fuzzy Integrated Binary Support
Vector Machines Yuehai Wang, Aimin Jiang, Ran
Cheng, and Tongwei Wang Sensor Lett. 11, 2174-2176
(2013) [Abstract]
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Multi-Objective Sensor Optimization
Problem of Hazardous Materials Logistics Transportation Yu-Feng
Zhou, Zhi Li, and Kun Zou Sensor Lett. 11, 2177-2179
(2013) [Abstract]
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Research on Discharging Detection
Technology Based on UV Sensor Tianhua Li and Jin
Xing Sensor Lett. 11, 2180-2182 (2013) [Abstract]
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Comprehensive Assessment of Traction
Power Supply Sensor System of High-Speed Railway Yanbing
Fu, Zhiya Chen, Meiquan Xie, Chunyu Ling, and Yunli Zhang Sensor
Lett. 11, 2183-2185 (2013) [Abstract]
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Analysis of the Shielding Effectiveness
of a Metallic Sensor Rectangular Enclosure with Different
Shape Rectangular Apertures Chao Zhou and
Ling Tong Sensor Lett. 11, 2186-2188 (2013) [Abstract]
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Research on the Monolithic Micromachined
Accelerometer Array Sensor in the Field of Nuclear Power
Generation Qingzhi Zhang, Aida Bao, Yiran Wei,
Chengqun Chu, and Tao Guo Sensor Lett. 11, 2189-2191
(2013) [Abstract]
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A Study on Novel Midpoint Sinusoidal
Pulse Width Modulation Sensor Regular-Sampling Approach Qixin
Zhu and Jianheng Chen Sensor Lett. 11, 2192-2195
(2013) [Abstract]
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Design of a Power Sensor System
Stabilizer Based on Differential Geometry Theory Yang
Jinling and Han Rucheng Sensor Lett. 11, 2196-2199
(2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
11, Number 10 (October 2013) pp.
1845-2013 |
Layers for Diffusion-Eliminated Enzyme Sensors pela
Zajko and Ingo Klimant Sensor Lett. 11, 1845-1853
(2013) [Abstract]
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Ultrasensitive Pressure Sensor Based on
Point Defect Resonant Cavity in Photonic Crystal
Saeed Olyaee and Ali Asghar Dehghani Sensor Lett.
11, 1854-1859 (2013) [Abstract]
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Amperometric Biosensor with
Interdigitated Au Electrode for Rapid Detection of Enterococcus
faecalis in Water Samples Nüzhet
Cenk Sesal Sensor Lett. 11, 1860-1866 (2013) [Abstract]
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Optical Displacement Sensor Suitable for
Vibration Monitoring with Self-Calibration Feature
László Nagy, Kalman Babkovic, and Damir
Krklje Sensor Lett. 11, 1867-1874 (2013) [Abstract]
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Long-Term Detection of Living Cells by
Dual-Charged Coupled Device Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging
Fuyin Dou, Rui Xing, Peng Wang, Daqian Wang, Youyong Lu,
and Xinglong Yu Sensor Lett. 11, 1875-1880 (2013) [Abstract]
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Novel Solution for Flexible Inductive
Position Sensor Nataa M. Samardic,
Nikola I. Jerance, and Goran M. Stojanovic Sensor
Lett. 11, 1881-1886 (2013) [Abstract]
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Characterization of Optimal Surface
Density with Prepared Polymer Nanoparticle for Immunodetection
Sanghee Kim Sensor Lett. 11, 1887-1893 (2013) [Abstract]
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Detection of Bisphenol A Using
Layer-by-Layer Covalent Anchoring of Polyamidoamine Dendrimer
to Gold Electrodes Pi-Guey Su and Chia-Wei
Tseng Sensor Lett. 11, 1894-1902 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Data Mining Procedure for Polymer
Selection for Making Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor Array
Prabha Verma and R. D. S. Yadava Sensor Lett. 11,
1903-1918 (2013) [Abstract]
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Physical, Electrical Properties and Gas
Sensing Performance of Pure and NiO-Modified ZnO Thick Films
M. K. Deore Sensor Lett. 11, 1919-1924 (2013) [Abstract]
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Nanomechanical Properties of Amorphous
FeCuNbSiB Thin Films Deposited by HiPIMS Ioana-Laura
Velicu, Maria Neagu, Lucian Costinescu, Daniel Munteanu, Elias
P. Koumoulos, and Costas A. Charitidis Sensor Lett.
11, 1925-1930 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Graphene Nanosheet-Based
Electrochemical Immunosensing Platform for Sensitive
Monitoring of Neuron-Specific Enolase Guang-Zhou
Li and Feng Tian Sensor Lett. 11, 1931-1936 (2013) [Abstract]
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Possibility of Application of ZrP2O7
and KZr2(PO4)3 Intrinsic
Luminescence for Monitoring of
S. Nedilko, Yu. Hizhnyi, V. Chornii, I. Zatovsky, N.
Slobodyanik, K. Terebilenko, V. Boyko, I. Vorona, and V.
Sheludko Sensor Lett. 11, 1937-1944 (2013) [Abstract]
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Non-Enzymatic Electrochemical Hydrogen
Peroxide Sensor Based on Copper Oxide Hollow Microspheres
Ying Shuai, Chuanghua Liu, Jia Wang, Jun Ma, and Xiaoyan
Cui Sensor Lett. 11, 1945-1949 (2013) [Abstract]
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Characterization of Pd/TiO2/Si
Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Sensors for Hydrogen Detection
Kumar Shubham, R. U. Khan, and P. Chakrabarti Sensor
Lett. 11, 1950-1955 (2013) [Abstract]
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Spray Deposited Nanostructured Zinc
Oxide Thin Film as Room Temperature Ethanol Sensor-Role of
Annealing Prabakaran Shankar and John Bosco
Balaguru Rayappan Sensor Lett. 11, 1956-1959 (2013) [Abstract]
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Gas Diagnosis by the Response Modeling
of a Temperature Modulated Tin-Oxide Gas Sensor Using Neural
Network Models S. M. Hosseini-Golgoo, H.
Bozorgi, A. Saberkari, and S. Rahbarpour Sensor Lett.
11, 1960-1963 (2013) [Abstract]
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CO-Sensing Properties of CuxO-Based
Nanostructured Thin Films Grown by Reactive Pulsed Laser
Deposition M. Stamataki, D. Mylonas, D. Tsamakis,
M. Kompitsas, P. Tsakiridis, and E. Christoforou Sensor
Lett. 11, 1964-1967 (2013) [Abstract]
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Conventional and Modified Nano Carbon
Paste Sensors for Determination of Alzheimer's Drug Memantine
Hydrochloride Nawal A. Alarfaj and Maha F.
El-Tohamy Sensor Lett. 11, 1968-1977 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Fiber Optic Glucose Biosensor Based on
Sol-Gel Complex Sensing Film Jun Huang, Yilin
Tong, Dan Zeng, Tianxia Wang, and Liyun Ding Sensor
Lett. 11, 1978-1982 (2013) [Abstract]
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High Selective Methadone Sensor Based on
Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Carbon Paste Electrode Modified
with Carbon Nanotubes Majid Soleimani, Majid
Ghahraman Afshar, and Mohammad Reza Ganjali Sensor
Lett. 11, 1983-1991 (2013) [Abstract]
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Precise Through Wall Angular Position
Sensor Compatible with Cryogenic Temperature for Space
Launcher A. Carapelle, N. Martin, and T.
Chantraine Sensor Lett. 11, 1992-1995 (2013) [Abstract]
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Diagnostic Assay of Glucose in Diabetes
Patients' Urine Suw Young Ly, Dal Woong Choi, and
Dae Hong Kim Sensor Lett. 11, 1996-1999 (2013) [Abstract]
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Response of a Quartz Crystal
Microbalance Sensor Coated with a Viscoelastic Film in Gas
Phase Feng Tan and Xianhe Huang Sensor
Lett. 11, 2000-2004 (2013) [Abstract]
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COMMUNICATIONS Electrolyte-Free,
H2S-Sensitive Microdiode Using a WO3/IrO2
Junction and Au Catalyst Li Min Kuo, Yu-Tai Shih,
Cen-Shawn Wu, Chin-Yu Su, and Shuchi Chao Sensor Lett.
11, 2005-2009 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Role of Stoichiometry on Gas
Response of Nanostructured Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Derived
Nickel Ferrite A. Sutka Sensor Lett. 11,
2010-2013 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
11, Number 9 (September 2013) pp.
1561-1843 |
of Water Pollution by a Microwave Cavity Sensor Gianluca
Gennarelli and Francesco Soldovieri Sensor Lett. 11,
1561-1566 (2013) [Abstract]
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Simultaneous Determination of Catechol
and Hydroquinone Using a Self-Assembled Laccase Biosensor
Based on Nanofilm Jianying Qu, Tongfang
Lou, Shiping Kang, and Xueping Du Sensor Lett. 11,
1567-1572 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Low Cost, Wireless Embedded Sensor for
Moisture Monitoring in Hard-to-Access Places Andrew
J. DeRouin, Steven J. Trierweiler, Brandon D. Pereles,
Benjamin Lippi, and Keat Ghee Ong Sensor Lett. 11,
1573-1578 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Simple But Highly Sensitive Graphene
Based Voltammetric Sensor for Morin Jie Liu,
Yinfeng Li, Xianli Wu, Wenjing Wang, and Baoxian Ye Sensor
Lett. 11, 1579-1585 (2013) [Abstract]
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Binary Spray and Wait Routing Based on
the Remaining Life Time of Message in Wireless Sensor Networks
Shanshan Zhang, Jingfeng Xue, Changzhen Hu, and Yong Wang Sensor
Lett. 11, 1586-1590 (2013) [Abstract]
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Enhanced CO2 Sensing with
Ionic Liquid Modified Electrospun Nanofibers: Effect of Ionic
Liquid Type Ozlem Oter, Gulhan Sabanci, and
Kadriye Ertekin Sensor Lett. 11, 1591-1599 (2013) [Abstract]
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Simple and Sensitive Glucose Biosensing
Based on the Electrocatalysis of Oxygen Reduction by the Graphene/Palladium
Nanocomposite Guosong Lai, Cuiying Yin, Min
Zheng, Haili Zhang, and Aimin Yu Sensor Lett. 11,
1600-1605 (2013) [Abstract]
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Deep UV Metal-Semiconductor-Metal
Photodetectors Using Low-Temperature-Grown AlN Epilayer on
Sapphires Meei-Ru Chen, Ming-Guei Wu, Guan-Wei
Lee, An-Jye Tzou, Yen Liang, Hui-Ling Kao, and Jyh Shin Chen Sensor
Lett. 11, 1606-1610 (2013) [Abstract]
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Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Response Characteristics of the Hydrothermally Synthesized
SnO2 Nanocapsules R. K. Mishra,
S. B. Upadhyay, and P. P. Sahay Sensor Lett. 11,
1611-1616 (2013) [Abstract]
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Label-Free Detection of C-Reactive
Protein Using ZnO Tetrapods Modified Quartz Crystal
Microbalance System Xiaohua Wang, Jian Zhang, and
Zhengqi Zheng Sensor Lett. 11, 1617-1621 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electrochemical Production of Magnetic
Co-Mo Alloys Thin Films Y. Messaoudi, A. Azizi, N.
Fenineche, G. Schmerber, and A. Dinia Sensor Lett. 11,
1622-1626 (2013) [Abstract]
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Acoustic Measurement and Monitoring
System for Level of Groundwater Miodrag Brkic,
Djordje Obradovic, Viktor Dogan, Barta Károly, and
Milos Zivanov Sensor Lett. 11, 1627-1631 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electron-Spin Motion as a New Tool to
Investigate Ferromagnetic Film Systems: A Few Examples
A. Hallal, T. Berdot, P. Dey, L. Tati Bismaths, L. Joly,
A. Bourzami, H. Bulou, F. Scheurer, F. Djeghloul, E. Urbain,
D. Spor, J. Henk, M. Alouani, and W. Weber Sensor
Lett. 11, 1632-1638 (2013) [Abstract]
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Separable Public Key-Based
Multidimensional Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Scheme
for Wireless Sensor Networks Mingzhong
Wang, Yukun Han, Jingfeng Xue, Liehuang Zhu, A. S. M. Touhidul
Hasan, and Yifan Xiao Sensor Lett. 11, 1639-1643
(2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Recombinant Bacteria Immobilized on a
Cysteamine-Modified Matrix for a Stable and Reusable Biosensor
Hae Ja Shin and Duck Gyoun Shin Sensor Lett. 11,
1644-1650 (2013) [Abstract]
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A New Bulk Optical PVC Membrane Sensor:
Determination of Aluminum in Tea Leaf, Mushroom, Potato and
Al-Mg Syrup Samples Mohammad Bagher
Gholivand, Arash Babakhanian, Samineh Kaki, Moslem Mohammadi,
and Peyman Moradi Sensor Lett. 11, 1651-1657 (2013) [Abstract]
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Theoretical Study of the Kerr Effect in
Ultrathin Films Fen/Ag(001) M.
Boukelkoul, N. Ouarab, M. Kharoubi, and A. Haroun Sensor
Lett. 11, 1658-1666 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Smart Home Control System Based on
Controller Area Network Bus Fan Rong Kong, Wenxin
Wang, and Jiajun Zhu Sensor Lett. 11, 1667-1671 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Special Section on Wireless Sensor Networks Technologies
and Applications for Smart Spaces Guest Editors: Changhoon
Lee, Hongxue Wang, and Juan Li Sensor Lett. 11,
1672-1674 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Sensor Networks Based Research Issues in Large-Scale
Petrochemical Industries Delong Cui, Lei Shu,
Jianwei Niu, and Lei Wang Sensor Lett. 11, 1675-1680
(2013) [Abstract]
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Practical Monitoring and Packet Sniffer
Tool for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Sardorbek
Muminov, Nam-Yeol Yun, Soo-Hyun Park, and Yong-Kon Lim Sensor
Lett. 11, 1681-1688 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Energy Efficient Control for Smart
Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Self-Powered Wireless Sensor
Networks Shiqiong Tong, Mingru Tong, Christopher
M. Twigg, Yu Chen, and Omowunmi A. Sadik Sensor Lett.
11, 1689-1694 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Efficient Method for Optimizing
Reader Deployment and Energy Saving Ching-Hsien
Hsu, Daqiang Zhang, Chao-Tung Yang, and Hai-Cheng Chu Sensor
Lett. 11, 1695-1703 (2013) [Abstract]
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Secure Electric Vehicle Authentication
Using Aggregator Load Management in Smart Grid Sania
Yaqoob and Taeshik Shon Sensor Lett. 11, 1704-1714
(2013) [Abstract]
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A Novel Levelled and Sectored Based
Hybrid Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Aparna
Chaganty, Garimella Rama Murthy, Naveen Chilamkurti, and
Seungmin Rho Sensor Lett. 11, 1715-1720 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Design and Implementation of the
Ubiquitous Sensor Network-Based Monitoring System Using RTLS
(Real-Time Location System) Guyoun Hwang,
Dongkyoo Shin, Dongil Shin, Jonghyuk Park, Jaeil Lee, and
Hyukjin Kwon Sensor Lett. 11, 1721-1725 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Probabilistic Multi Constraints
Variable Bit Rate Multimedia Service Selection in Wireless
Mesh Networks Neeraj Kumar, Naveen Chilamkurti,
and Seungmin Rho Sensor Lett. 11, 1726-1735 (2013) [Abstract]
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Life Navigator, Smart Internet of Things
Based Context-Aware End-User Framework Jae Pil
Yoo, Jae Il Lee, Cheonshik Kim, and Jonghyuk Park Sensor
Lett. 11, 1736-1740 (2013) [Abstract]
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Coalitional Power Control and Time
Allocation for Multiuser Cognitive Networks Yu-Wei
Chan, Feng-Tsun Chien, James J. Park, Jason C. Hung, and Neil
Y. Yen Sensor Lett. 11, 1741-1749 (2013) [Abstract]
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Secure Mobile Payment Service Using
Vibration Cues on Near Field Communication Smartphone
Okkyung Choi, Seolhwa Han, Seungbin Moon, Kangseok Kim,
Hongjin Yeh, and Taesik Shon Sensor Lett. 11,
1750-1754 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fault Attacks on Cipher Block
Chaining-Message Authentication Code and Its Variants Based on
AES-128 Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks
Kitae Jeong, Jaechul Sung, Seokhie Hong, and Ku-Young
Chang Sensor Lett. 11, 1755-1764 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Related-Key Amplified Boomerang Attacks
on KT-64 and MD-64 Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks
Jinkeon Kang, Kitae Jeong, Seokhie Hong, and Changhoon Lee Sensor
Lett. 11, 1765-1770 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Advanced Energy Efficient Data
Dissemination for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Neeraj Kumar and Jongsung Kim Sensor Lett. 11,
1771-1778 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Segmentation Based Trajectory Clustering
in Road Network with Location Sensing Technology Seokil
Song, Dongho Kwak, Yunsik Kwak, Kyoungsoo Bok, and Daesik Ko Sensor
Lett. 11, 1779-1782 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Energy Balancing Routing Algorithm
for Mobile Sensor Networks Chunxue Wu, Junhui Du,
Yi Liu, Naixue Xiong, Kitae Jeong, Guisong Yang, and Liping
Gao Sensor Lett. 11, 1783-1791 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Modelling of Cardiorespiratory Endurance
for Smart Sensor Enabled Exercising Course Design
Kuei-Fang Hsiao, Jui-Yuan Su, Seungmin Rho, and Habib F.
Rashvand Sensor Lett. 11, 1792-1798 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Study on Small and Medium Enterprise
Information Foundation for Wireless Sensor Networks Work Environment
Implementation Yanghoon Kim and Hangbae Chang Sensor
Lett. 11, 1799-1803 (2013) [Abstract]
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Software-Pipelined Academy, Research
Institute, and Agency on a 64-Bit Superscalar Processor for
High Performance Gieil Lee, Soontae Kim,
and Jooheung Lee Sensor Lett. 11, 1804-1813 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Detection and Prediction of Abnormal
Behavior Based on User Profile in Ubiquitous Home Network
Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model Jaewan
Shin, Dongkyoo Shin, Dongil Shin, Cheonsik Kim, and Jonghyuk
Park Sensor Lett. 11, 1814-1819 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Multi-Signature Based Tamper Detection
Scheme of Android Applications Hyeong-Chan Lee,
Jin-Hyuk Jung, and Jeong Hyun Yi Sensor Lett. 11,
1820-1827 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Ring and Clustering Routing Strategy
Based on Data Filed in Sensor Network Yuhua Liu,
Wenwen Dai, Yanzhen Qu, Cui Xu, Naixue Xiong, Changhoon Lee,
and Zheng Wan Sensor Lett. 11, 1828-1835 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Advanced Biometric-Based User
Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
Eun-Jun Yoon and Cheonshik Kim Sensor Lett. 11,
1836-1843 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
11, Number 8 (August 2013) pp.
1403-1559 |
Optic Architectures for Strain Monitoring of Solid Rocket
Motors' Propellant Christos Riziotis, Ludwig
Eineder, Luca Bancallari, and Giuseppe Tussiwand Sensor
Lett. 11, 1403-1407 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Radiation Response Behavior of Carbon
Co-Doped Aluminosilicate Glass Based Optical Fibre for Use
as Radiation Sensor S. Ghosh, M. C. Paul,
S. Das, K. Dasgupta, D. Bohra, H. S. Chaudhary, L. Panwar, P.
K. Bhatnagar, and S. G. Vaijapurkar Sensor Lett.
11, 1408-1414 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Diffractive Ammonia Sensors Based on
Sol-Gel Nanocomposites Materials N. Aspiotis, A.
El Sachat, L. Athanasekos, M. Vasileiadis, G. Mousdis, N.
Vainos, and C. Riziotis Sensor Lett. 11, 1415-1419
(2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Three Axis Fluxgate Magnetometer Array
Calibration Using Nonmagnetic Rotation Platform Hongfeng
Pang, Dixiang Chen, Mengchun Pan, Qi Zhang, Shitu Luo, Ji Li,
and Feilu Luo Sensor Lett. 11, 1420-1425 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF]
Signal Processing Interface for
Displacement Measurement Miodrag Brkic, Snezana
M. Djuric, Mirjana S. Damnjanovic, and Laszlo F. Nagy Sensor
Lett. 11, 1426-1431 (2013) [Abstract]
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Thermal Hysteresis Behavior of Spin
Crossover Nanoparticles from a Deformable Lattice Model: Monte
Carlo Investigations H. Oubouchou, A. Slimani,
G. Zribi, N. Haine, M. Zergoug, and K. Boukheddaden Sensor
Lett. 11, 1432-1439 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Novel Approach to Simultaneous
Measurements of Freshwater Ice Based on an Improved Monitor
Apparatus F. Y. Yang, X. R. Liu, M. L. Xu, W. N.
Xu, H. B. Ma, and D. Yin Sensor Lett. 11, 1440-1447
(2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Hydrogen Detection in Atmospheres Highly
Contaminated with Volatile Organic Compounds Amir
Amini, Khachik Babaians, and Mohsen Gharesi Sensor
Lett. 11, 1448-1452 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Synthesis, Characterization and
Applications of a Hexadentate Macrocyclic Ligand as Sm(III)
Electrode Aruna Rawat (Sharma) and Sulekh Chandra Sensor
Lett. 11, 1453-1459 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Role of Electric Field on Sensing
Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube Based Ammonia Gas Sensor
Prabhash Mishra, Prerna Balyan, Harsh, and S. S. Islam
Sensor Lett. 11, 1460-1464 (2013) [Abstract]
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Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Printed
Onto Polycarbonate Substrate for Electrochemical Sensing Nikos
G. Tsierkezos, Nora Wetzold, Arved Carl Hübler, Uwe
Ritter, and Pawe Szroeder Sensor Lett. 11, 1465-1471
(2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Potential Effect on the Initial Stages
of the Electrocrystalization of Ni-Fe Alloys and Structural
Properties S. Messaadi, M. Daamouche, A.
Guittoum, H. Medouer, N. Fenineche, and I. Zidani Sensor
Lett. 11, 1472-1477 (2013) [Abstract]
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CuO Nanoparticles with Leaf-Like
Microstructure-A Powerful Nonenzymatic Glucose Sensor
Chockalingam Karunakaran, Govindasamy Manikandan, and
Paramasivan Gomathisankar Sensor Lett. 11, 1478-1483
(2013) [Abstract]
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Comparative Study of Pd Modified ZnO/p-Si
and ZnO/PS/p-Si Hetero Structure for Hydrogen
Detection J. Kanungo, S. Basu, and C. K. Sarkar Sensor
Lett. 11, 1484-1489 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrocatalytic Oxidation and Sensitive
Determination of Glycine at Poly(NiIIteta) Modified Electrodes
Uday Pratap Azad and Vellaichamy Ganesan Sensor
Lett. 11, 1490-1495 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Special Section on E-MRS Spring 2012-Symposium Q Novel
Materials and Fabrication Methods for New Emerging
Devices, Strasbourg (France) from 14 May to 17 May 2012
Guest Editor: Nicole Jaffrezic Sensor Lett. 11,
1496-1497 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
of Substrate Temperature on the Electrical and Optical
Properties of Pulsed Laser Deposited ZnO Thin Films
S. Nagar and S. Chakrabarti Sensor Lett. 11,
1498-1503 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Emission Properties of
Polydioctylfluorene and InP/ZnS Quantum Dots Nanocomposites
Devices C. Borriello, A. Bruno, G. Nenna, M.
Maglione, G. Pandolfi, C. Minarini, and T. Di Luccio Sensor
Lett. 11, 1504-1508 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
High Performance Aluminum-Doped ZnO Thin
Film Transistors with High-K Gate Dielectrics Fabricated at
Low Temperature Dedong Han, Jian Cai, Wei
Wang, Liangliang Wang, Yi Wang, Lifeng Liu, and Shengdong
Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 1509-1512 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Feasibility of a Fluorescent-Core
Microcapillary for Biosensing Applications S.
McFarlane, C. P. K. Manchee, J. W. Silverstone, J. G. C.
Veinot, and A. Meldrum Sensor Lett. 11, 1513-1518
(2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Biosensor Array Based Platform for
Pesticide Detection Carmen Moldovan, Rodica
Iosub, Cecilia Codreanu, Bogdan Firtat, Daniel Necula, Marian
Ion, Costin Brasoveanu, Alina Ion, and Ion Stan Sensor
Lett. 11, 1519-1523 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Electrochemical Performances of Diamond
Like Carbon Films for Pb(II) Detection in Tap Water Using
Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Technique
A. Sbartai, P. J. F. Namour, F. Barbier, J.
Krejci, R. Kucerovà, T. Krejcí, V. Nedela, J.
Sobota, and N. Jaffrezic-Renault Sensor Lett. 11,
1524-1529 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Adjusting the Electronic and Optical
Properties of Mesoporous MCM-41 Materials by Ti Doping Maofeng
Dou, Tianhang Yu, Shengming Jin, and Clas Persson Sensor
Lett. 11, 1530-1534 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Sensing Water and Alcohol Vapors with
Freestanding Silicon Quantum Dots R. Lockwood, J.
G. C. Veinot, and A. Meldrum Sensor Lett. 11,
1535-1540 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Au-Catalyst Silicon Nanowires
Synthesized by Vapor-Liquid-Solid Technique in a V-Shaped
Groove: Application for Gas Sensors L. Ni,
A. Girard, P. Zhang, E. Jacques, R. Rogel, A. C. Salaün,
and L. Pichon Sensor Lett. 11, 1541-1544 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Fabrication of Plane Optical Mosaics
Imitating Human Corneal Endothelium Manuel Flury,
Zhiguo He, Nelly Campolmi, Philippe Gain, Bernard Kress, and
Gilles Thuret Sensor Lett. 11, 1545-1548 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Composite Nanostructures Based on a
Layered Semiconductor with Nanoscale 3D Ferroelectric
Inclusions (p-GaSe Intercalated by KNO3)
A. P. Bakhtinov, V. N. Vodopyanov, Z. R.
Kudrynskyi, and V. V. Netyaga Sensor Lett. 11,
1549-1554 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
The Growth and Micro-Raman
Characterization of GaN Nanowires P. Kamyczek, Z.
R. Zytkiewicz, E. Placzek-Popko, E. Zielony, M. Sobanska, K.
Klosek, and A. Reszka Sensor Lett. 11, 1555-1559
(2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Article] |
11, Number 6/7 (June/July 2013) pp.
997-1402 |
Special Issue onSmart Sensors in Agriculture
Guest Editors: Daoliang Li and Yingyi Chen Sensor
Lett. 11, 997-998 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Spatial Distribution of Non-Point Source Pollution Loads in
Dagu River Watershed Jinheng Zhang, Jun Li,
Jianbo Liu, and Xin Yu Sensor Lett. 11, 999-1007
(2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Method of Combining Laser Data and
Line Scanning Images Ruofei Zhong and Jiao Guo Sensor
Lett. 11, 1008-1014 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Gestalt-Based Douglas-Peucker Algorithm
to Keep Shape Similarity and Area Consistency of Polygons
Xiaomei Song, Changxiu Cheng, Chenghu Zhou, and Dehai Zhu Sensor
Lett. 11, 1015-1021 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
An Intelligent Ammonia Sensor Based on
Multi-Parameter for Aquaculture Haijiang Tai,
Qisheng Ding, Lihua Zeng, Shuangyin Liu, and Daoliang Li Sensor
Lett. 11, 1022-1029 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Balance Adjustment Method on Grading
Results of Cultivated Land Quality Yanqing Chen,
Jianyu Yang, Chao Zhang, Wenju Yun, and Dehai Zhu Sensor
Lett. 11, 1030-1035 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Delaunay Network Topology Generation
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Huarui Wu
and Ronghua Gao Sensor Lett. 11, 1036-1041 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Method on Obtaining Best Wavelet
Packet Decomposition Level and Reducing Noise of Hyperspectral
Image Keming Yang, Yanhui Cui, Xiaoli Qian, Libo
Wang, Tao Zhang, Shiwen Liu, and Linwei Wang Sensor
Lett. 11, 1042-1049 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
WSN-Based Intelligent Detection and
Control of Dissolved Oxygen in Crab Culture Yaning
Sun, Daoliang Li, Shangfeng Du, Yaoguang Wei, Daokun Ma, and
Qisheng Ding Sensor Lett. 11, 1050-1054 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A Variable Multi-Scale Segmentation
Method for Spatial Pattern Analysis Using Multispectral
WorldView-2 Images Jiajia Liu, Liangshu Shi, Chao
Zhang, Jianyu Yang, Dehai Zhu, and Jihong Yang Sensor
Lett. 11, 1055-1061 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Influence of Velocity on Ultrasonic
Probing of Orchard Tree Profile Changyuan Zhai,
Xiu Wang, Junjie Guo, Sha Xu, and Wei Ma Sensor Lett.
11, 1062-1068 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Wireless Control Node for Dissolved
Oxygen in Aquaculture Qisheng Ding, Daokun Ma,
Daoliang Li, Yaoguang Wei, and Nannan Wen Sensor Lett.
11, 1069-1073 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
A New Approach for Evaluating Cotton
Flow Velocity in Rectangular Pipeline Gaili Gao,
Hefei Zhao, Daoliang Li, Baolin Hu, and Guanjun Wang Sensor
Lett. 11, 1074-1080 (2013) [Abstract]
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Estimation of Soil Moisture from
Multi-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Data-A Case
Examination on RADARSAT-2 Product Over Wheat Growing
Areas Guijun Yang, Yuechan Shi, and Qingyun Xu Sensor
Lett. 11, 1081-1086 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Road Tracking by Real-Time Support
Vector Data Description Classification from Very High
Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery Xiangguo
Lin and Jixian Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 1087-1093 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Fast Processing Approach of Cotton
Foreign Fiber Images Jinxing Wang, Qinxiang Wang,
Rui Wang, Lijuan Gao, Wei Cui, and Shuangxi Liu Sensor
Lett. 11, 1094-1099 (2013) [Abstract]
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Detecting Crop Rows for Automated Rice
Transplanters Based on Radon Transform Fangming
Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 1100-1105 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Spectral Reflection Analysis of
Several Typical Foreign Fibers in Different Thick Cotton
Layers Ronghua Ji, Daoliang Li, WanLin Gao, and
Xiang Li Sensor Lett. 11, 1106-1109 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Texture Extraction and Analysis by
Statistical Methods for Fish Species Classification
Jing Hu, Daoliang Li, Qingling Duan, Guifen Chen, and
Yeiqi Han Sensor Lett. 11, 1110-1114 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Estimation of Leaf Nitrogen and Grain
Protein Content by Hyperspectral Vegetation Index in Winter
Wheat Zhou Wang, Wenjiang Huang, Keming Yang,
Long Tian, Li Cui, Gunjun Yang, and Heli Li Sensor
Lett. 11, 1115-1120 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Estimation of Net Primary Productivity
of Sanhu National Nature Reserve in China by Integrating HJ-1
Remote Sensing Image with Surface Energy Balance
Algorithm for Land Model Zhongping Sun, Guozeng
Wu, Wenming Shen, Bin Wei, Jun Jiang, and Xue Zhang Sensor
Lett. 11, 1121-1127 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Correlation Between Chlorophyll Content
and Vegetation Index of Maize Plants Under Different
Fertilizer Treatments with Multi-Spectral Imaging
Hong Sun, Minzan Li, Yane Zhang, Lihua Zheng, and Yajing
Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 1128-1133 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Retrieval of Cropping Index in China
Using Time Series of SPOT Vegetation NDVI Jinlong
Fan, Jianxi Huang, and Mingwei Zhang Sensor Lett. 11,
1134-1140 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Web-Server-Embedded Information
Monitoring System for Fruit Farm Dongxian He,
Jianlun Wang, Jie Bao, and Shaokun Lu Sensor Lett. 11,
1141-1144 (2013) [Abstract]
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Optimizing an Electronic Nose for
Analysis Honey from Different Nectar Sources Ningjing
Liu, Bolin Shi, Lei Zhao, Zhaoshen Qing, Baopin Ji, Feng Zhou,
and Wenli Tian Sensor Lett. 11, 1145-1148 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Spatial and Temporal Variation of
Water Requirement of Winter Wheat Based SIMETAW Model in Huang-Huai-Hai
Farming Region Xiaolin Yang, Fu Chen, and
Qingquan Chu Sensor Lett. 11, 1149-1155 (2013) [Abstract]
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Research and Development of Pork Quality
Detecting System Based on Bio-Impedance Characteristic
Chun Cao, Zhen Xing, Wengang Zheng, and Xin Zhang Sensor
Lett. 11, 1156-1161 (2013) [Abstract]
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Automatic Classification of
Time-Temperature Data for Aquatic Production in the Cold Chain
Lu Liu, Jun Yue, Ping Yan, Linfen Hu, and Zetian Fu Sensor
Lett. 11, 1162-1167 (2013) [Abstract]
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Remote Monitoring System of Plant
Eco-Physiological Characteristics Based on ZigBee and 3G
Wei Yang, Minzan Li, and Hong Sun Sensor Lett. 11,
1168-1172 (2013) [Abstract]
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Atmospheric Correction of HJ-1A CCD
Images for an Agricultural Area Using the 6S Model, and Its
Influence on Five Vegetation Indices Wei
Su, Rui Liu, Junming Liu, Jianxi Huang, Xiaodong Zhang, and
Dehai Zhu Sensor Lett. 11, 1173-1179 (2013) [Abstract]
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Evaluating System Quality of e-Learning
Programs: A Study Based on Factor Analysis Yan
Li, Zetian Fu, and Yanqing Duan Sensor Lett. 11,
1180-1184 (2013) [Abstract]
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Spatial Online Analytical Processing and
Its Application in Multidimensional Analysis of Forest
Information Jing Shen, Rong Zhao, and Shenghua Xu Sensor
Lett. 11, 1185-1189 (2013) [Abstract]
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Optimization of Machine Vision for
Tomato Grafting Robot Subo Tian, M. A. Ashraf, N.
Kondo, T. Shiigi, and M. A. Momin Sensor Lett. 11,
1190-1194 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Combined Sensor for Simultaneous
Measurements of Soil Moisture and Electrical Conductivity
Daokun Ma, Daoliang Li, Qisheng Ding, and Cong Wang Sensor
Lett. 11, 1195-1198 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Model of the Influence of Rural ICT
Users on Regional Development Weizhe Feng, Zetian
Fu, and Yanqing Duan Sensor Lett. 11, 1199-1203 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Method for Change Detection by
Remote Sensing Images Based on Comprehensive Weighted
Attributes Error Diffusion Yuchun Wen,
Pengfei Ma, Yue Sun, and Chenghua Xu Sensor Lett. 11,
1204-1209 (2013) [Abstract]
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Design and Simulation of Pineapple
Picking-Gripper Based on MATLAB Image Processing Haifeng
Wang, Liming Xu, and Jinjiang Zhang Sensor Lett. 11,
1210-1216 (2013) [Abstract]
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Simulation and Performance Analysis of A
Soybean Seed Metering Device Using Discrete Element Method
Zhengquan Li, Jianqun Yu, Zhanrong Feng, Hong Fu, Lienan
Zhang, and Xuetong Fei Sensor Lett. 11, 1217-1222
(2013) [Abstract]
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Study on Cartesian-Type
Strawberry-Harvesting Robot Y. Cui, Y. Gejima, T.
Kobayashi, K. Hiyoshi, and M. Nagata Sensor Lett. 11,
1223-1228 (2013) [Abstract]
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Semi-Automatic Extraction of Straight
Roads from Very High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery by
a Fusion Method Jixian Zhang and Xiangguo
Lin Sensor Lett. 11, 1229-1235 (2013) [Abstract]
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Development of a Multi-Function Gateway
Node Oriented Environment Monitoring in Greenhouse
Man Zhang, Jianzhao Jiang, Chunhong Liu, Weizhen Wang, and
Minzan Li Sensor Lett. 11, 1236-1239 (2013) [Abstract]
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Stripe Noise Removal from Line Scan
Images of Foreign Fibers Wenzhu Yang, Sile Wang,
Sukui Lu, Jingwei Yang, and Daoliang Li Sensor Lett.
11, 1240-1244 (2013) [Abstract]
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Segmentation of Grapevine Leafroll
Disease Characteristic Based on Multi-Spectral Image
Hong Sun, Minzan Li, Qin Zhang, and Naidu A. Rayapati Sensor
Lett. 11, 1245-1250 (2013) [Abstract]
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Call-Center-Oriented Method of Chinese
Words Automatic Segmentation for Cotton Knowledge
Lingxian Zhang, Yao Li, Daoliang Li, Xinxing Li, and
Zetian Fu Sensor Lett. 11, 1251-1255 (2013) [Abstract]
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Impedance Immunosensor Based on
Interdigitated Array Microelectrodes for Rapid Detection of
Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H5 Xiaofei
Yan, Ronghui Wang, Jianhan Lin, Yuntao Li, Maohua Wang, Dong
An, Peirong Jiao, Ming Liao, Yude Yu, and Yanbin Li Sensor
Lett. 11, 1256-1260 (2013) [Abstract]
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Comparison of Two Optimization
Algorithms for Estimating Regional Winter Wheat Yield by
Integrating MODIS Leaf Area Index and World Food Studies
Model Liyan Tian, Zhongxia Li, Jianxi Huang,
Limin Wang, Wei Su, Chao Zhang, and Junming Liu Sensor
Lett. 11, 1261-1268 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Common Traceability Method for
Agricultural Products Based on Data Center Changxiu
Cheng, Ping Jiang, and Junhua Liu Sensor Lett. 11,
1269-1273 (2013) [Abstract]
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Using Genetic Optimization Algorithm to
Intelligent System for Ecological Road Network Layout in Land
Reclamation Area Zhichao Yang, Wenting Zhao, Yan
Liu, and Yingyi Chen Sensor Lett. 11, 1274-1281 (2013) [Abstract]
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Analysis of Lodging Resistance
Competitiveness of Maize Cultivars in Target Growing
Environments Chunqiao Mi, Xiaodong Zhang,
Shaoming Li, Dehai Zhu, and Jianyu Yang Sensor Lett.
11, 1282-1287 (2013) [Abstract]
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Modeling and Visualization Based on
Morphological Features of Leaf Vein Lei Wang,
Yueshun He, Shumin Zhou, and Ling Lu Sensor Lett. 11,
1288-1292 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Greenhouse Environment on
Organics Migrating from Agricultural High-Density Polyethylene
(HDPE) Pipes Jia Liu, Haiye Yu, Lei Zhang, Gang
Zhang, Jianwei Qu, and Hao Lv Sensor Lett. 11,
1293-1297 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synchronous Segmentation of Reflection
and Transmission Images of Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaves
Xia Wang and Liyuan He Sensor Lett. 11, 1298-1304
(2013) [Abstract]
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Prediction of Aquaculture Water Quality
Based on Combining Principal Component Analysis and Least
Square Support Vector Regression Shuangyin
Liu, Longqin Xu, and Daoliang Li Sensor Lett. 11,
1305-1309 (2013) [Abstract]
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Maize Varieties Test-Site Environment
Evaluation System Hu Wang, Zhe Liu, Jin Huang,
Yafei Wang, Xiaoyu Chen, Jing Guo, Shaoming Li, Xiaodong
Zhang, and Dehai Zhu Sensor Lett. 11, 1310-1315 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Information Intelligent Matching
Method for Humanized Management Based on GPRS Platform
Huihui Yu and Yingyi Chen Sensor Lett. 11,
1316-1320 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Wireless Intelligent Controller of
Greenhouse Based on ZigBee Wei Yang, Ke Lv,
Minzan Li, and Dong Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 1321-1325
(2013) [Abstract]
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Effects of Thermomechanical Properties
on Interface Edge Singular Thermal Stresses of Quad Flat Package
Solder Joints Xuecheng Ping, Mengcheng Chen, and
Shaojun Ying Sensor Lett. 11, 1326-1331 (2013) [Abstract]
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Robust Controller Design for a Quadruped
Walking Robot Chuangfeng Huai, Pingan Liu, and
Xueyan Jia Sensor Lett. 11, 1332-1336 (2013) [Abstract]
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Analysis on Temporal-Spatial
Characteristics of Landscape Pattern of Land-Cover
Rong Zhao, Liang Wang, Hongyue Zhang, and Jing Shen Sensor
Lett. 11, 1337-1341 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Virtual Geographical Environment Based
Temporal Information Visualization System for Ecological Restoration
in Dump Area Fei Gao, Li Li, Juncheng Ma, Yong
Liang, Huihui Yu, and Yingyi Chen Sensor Lett. 11,
1342-1346 (2013) [Abstract]
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Cotton Comprehensive Equilibrium
Transport Model and the Algorithm Analysis Longqing
Sun, Benxiu Sun, Daoliang Li, Zhengye Li, and Lihua Zheng Sensor
Lett. 11, 1347-1352 (2013) [Abstract]
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Integrated Management and Visualization
of Spatial Data Based on Oracle Spatial Database with
MapViewer Tianjiao Zhang, Yongxia Yang, and Gang
Liu Sensor Lett. 11, 1353-1358 (2013) [Abstract]
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Information Extraction and Space-Time
Series Analysis on MODIS Infrared Anomaly Data in Yunnan
Region Xiaohui Su, Xiaodong Zhang, Wei Su, Jianxi
Huang, Junming Liu, and Dehai Zhu Sensor Lett. 11,
1359-1365 (2013) [Abstract]
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Detection and Control System for Tobacco
Topdressing Machine Lijuan Gao, Shuangxi Liu, Wei
Cui, Qinxiang Wang, Rui Wang, and Jinxing Wang Sensor
Lett. 11, 1366-1372 (2013) [Abstract]
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Application of Interval DEA to Evaluate
Grape Distribution Efficiency in Wholesale Markets of Beijing,
China Jianying Feng, Jintao Song, Dong Tian, and
Weisong Mu Sensor Lett. 11, 1373-1377 (2013) [Abstract]
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Confocal Micro-Raman Spectrometry
Determination of Multi-Pesticide Formulations Using
Least-Squares Support Vector Regression Yande
Liu and Changlan Wan Sensor Lett. 11, 1378-1382 (2013) [Abstract]
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Quantitative Detection of Pesticides by
Confocal Microscopy Raman Spectroscopy Yande Liu,
Bing Ye, Changlan Wan, and Yong Hao Sensor Lett. 11,
1383-1388 (2013) [Abstract]
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Automatic Identifying Query Interfaces
of Deep Web Based on PreClassification-SVM Qingling
Duan, Rengang Yang, and Ying Chen Sensor Lett. 11,
1389-1395 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the
Applicability of Intelligent Greenhouse Control Systems
Juncheng Ma, Lin Li, Xue Liu, Zetian Fu, and Lingxian
Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 1396-1402 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
11, Number 5 (May 2013) pp. 749-996 |
Special Issue on Smart Sensors and Applications
Guest Editors: Yuhang Yang and Bahram Honary Sensor
Lett. 11, 749-751 (2013) [Abstract]
Text - PDF] [Purchase
Review of Automated Formal Verification of Ad Hoc Routing
Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks Zhe Chen,
Daqiang Zhang, Rongbo Zhu, Yinxue Ma, Ping Yin, and Feng Xie Sensor
Lett. 11, 752-764 (2013) [Abstract]
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Vibration of a Cantilever Beam Measured by Optical Fiber
Sensors S. C. Her and C. M. Yang Sensor
Lett. 11, 765-771 (2013) [Abstract]
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Intelligent Music Player for Bike Sport
Using Electroencephalogram and Global Positioning System
Sensors Ning-Han Liu, Hsiang-Ming Hsu, Hsuan-Chin
Chu, and Shu-Hao Hsu Sensor Lett. 11, 772-780 (2013) [Abstract]
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Design and Fabrication of Adiabatic
Multiplier with Energy-Recycling Pads for Micro-Power Wireless
Sensor Systems Jianping Hu, Jindan Chen,
and Weiqiang Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 781-789 (2013) [Abstract]
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Automatic Registration of Terrestrial
Laser Sensor Scans Using Reflectance Intensity and Geometry
Features Zhi Wang, Huiying Li, and Claus Brenner Sensor
Lett. 11, 790-799 (2013) [Abstract]
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Pressure Monitor of Vacuum Glazing with
Micro-Pirani Vacuum Sensor S. W. Zhang, Z. J.
Zhang, Z. Wang, C. H. Xu, and W. H. Zhang Sensor Lett.
11, 780-786 (2013) [Abstract]
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Feature-Preserved Geometry
Simplification of Triangular Meshes from LiDAR Sensor
Zhi Wang, Huiying Li, Lixin Wu, Qingquan Li, and Bisheng
Yang Sensor Lett. 11, 787-795 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Multirate Medium Access Control
Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Based on
Multicarrier Code Division Multiple Access Lujuan
Ma, Deshi Li, and Jugen Nie Sensor Lett. 11, 796-804
(2013) [Abstract]
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Conflicts Analysis and Validation of
Inertial Sensors Aided Global Positioning System Carrier
Tracking Loop Xuyou Li, Lishu Guo, Xiaoying Kong,
and Shuaihe Gao Sensor Lett. 11, 805-811 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Investigation of Optical-Mechanical
Transfer of Surface-Bonded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for
Aerostat Envelope Strain Monitoring Q. B.
Wang, H. T. Zhao, Y. Qiu, J. A. Chen, Y. Y. Wang, and G. Y. Fu Sensor
Lett. 11, 812-819 (2013) [Abstract]
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Efficient Data Management Scheme in
Sensor Networks Xiaozhu Liu, Yuwei Peng, Yuanhua
He, and Zukai Tang Sensor Lett. 11, 820-827 (2013) [Abstract]
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A 3D Falling Reconstruction System Using
Sensor Awareness for Ubiquitous Healthcare Chin-Feng
Lai, Rongbo Zhu, Bo-Fu Chen, and Yichin Lee Sensor
Lett. 11, 828-835 (2013) [Abstract]
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Sensor-Goose Queue (SGQ) Approaches with
Applications in Process Modeling and Optimization
Jingwen Huang and Hongguang Li Sensor Lett. 11,
836-844 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Cross-Layer Cooperative Architecture
to Support Transmission Efficiency in Mobile Wireless Sensor
Networks Joo Sang Lee and Beongku An Sensor
Lett. 11, 845-852 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Fault-Resilient Method for Wireless
Sensor Networks in Pervasive Computing Junqing
Chen and Linpeng Huang Sensor Lett. 11, 853-861 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Improvement and Application of
Intelligence Tracking Algorithm for Moving Logistics Objects
Based on Machine Vision Sensor Shu Shan
Zhang and Juan P. Wachs Sensor Lett. 11, 862-869
(2013) [Abstract]
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Effect Evaluation Research on Laser
Disturbance to Infrared Imaging Guidance Sensor System
Y. W. Liu and H. X. Wang Sensor Lett. 11, 870-876
(2013) [Abstract]
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Detection of Outliers in Sensor Data
Based on Adaptive Moving Average Fitting Jianbin
Xiong, Qinruo Wang, Jiafu Wan, Baoyu Ye, Weichao Xu, and
Jianqi Liu Sensor Lett. 11, 877-882 (2013) [Abstract]
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Improved Honey Bee Optimization Based on
Mutual Information in Sensor Network Zhiyong Hao
and Yu Mei Sensor Lett. 11, 883-890 (2013) [Abstract]
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Trajectory Reconstruction of Mobile
Phone as a Sensor for Travel Speed Estimation Xiao-Qing
Zuo and Yong-Chuan Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 891-899
(2013) [Abstract]
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Sensor Deployment for Full Detection on
Delay Tolerant Event in Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks Lili
Zhang, Yehong Shao, Rongbo Zhu, Jing Yuan, and Huibin Wang Sensor
Lett. 11, 900-909 (2013) [Abstract]
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Distributed Targets Tracking with
Dynamic Power Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks
Guo-Jun Li, Xiao-Na Zhou, Jian Li, and Ji-Hua Zhu Sensor
Lett. 11, 910-917 (2013) [Abstract]
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Abnormal Vehicle Oriented Infrastructure
Based on Wireless Sensor Network and Cloud Computing
Lingqiu Zeng, Qingwen Han, Xing Wu, and Peiyi Li Sensor
Lett. 11, 918-925 (2013) [Abstract]
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Distributed Customer Churn Prediction
Model Based on Multi-Agent in Sensor Networks Chunhua
Ju, Feipeng Guo, and Qibei Lu Sensor Lett. 11, 926-936
(2013) [Abstract]
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The Filtering of the Energetic Particle
Noise Captured by the Geostationary Lightning Image Sensor
You Qu, Hui-Ying Li, Wen-Hui Li, and Sheng-Bo Chen Sensor
Lett. 11, 937-944 (2013) [Abstract]
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Optimal Control of Switched Systems with
an Inequality Constraint Based on Smooth Penalty Function
Method Xiang Wu, Kanjian Zhang, and Changyin Sun Sensor
Lett. 11, 945-952 (2013) [Abstract]
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Improved Energy-Efficient Access Control
Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Elliptic Curve
Cryptography Ling Chi, Liang Hu, Hong-Tu Li,
Yu Sun, Wei Yuan, and Jian-Feng Chu Sensor Lett. 11,
953-957 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Improved Two-Factor User
Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Using
Elliptic Curve Cryptography Chun-Ta Li,
Cheng-Chi Lee, and Chin-Wen Lee Sensor Lett. 11,
958-965 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Comprehensive Energy-Routing
Protocol Based on Distributed Cluster Optimization in Wireless
Sensor Networks Lejiang Guo, Bingwen Wang,
Chao Gao, Wei Xiong, and Hongliang Gao Sensor Lett.
11, 966-973 (2013) [Abstract]
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Feature Selection from Incomplete
Multi-Sensor Information System Based on Positive
Approximation in Rough Set Theory Jin Zhou,
Liang Hu, Jianfeng Chu, Huimin Lu, Feng Wang, and Kuo Zhao Sensor
Lett. 11, 974-981 (2013) [Abstract]
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Cross-Layer Lifetime Maximization with
Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks Liqun
Shan, Jinkuan Wang, Yanchang Liu, and Zhigang Liu Sensor
Lett. 11, 982-989 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Efficient Three-Party Authentication
Key Exchange Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Hongtu Li, Liang Hu, Jianfeng Chu, Ling Chi, and Hongwei
Li Sensor Lett. 11, 990-996 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
11, Number 4 (April 2013) pp. 623-748 |
Empirical Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of
Chlorophyll-a in Turbid Waters: A Case Study on
Hyperion Sensor Jun Chen, Hui Sheng, and Ji-Hong
Sun Sensor Lett. 11, 623-631 (2013) [Abstract]
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Opto and Electrochemical Sensing of Uric
Acid with Bimetallic Nano Ag-Pt Particles M.
Murugavelu, B. Loganathan, and B. Karthikeyan Sensor
Lett. 11, 632-635 (2013) [Abstract]
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LC Resonant Displacement Sensor Realized
with Various Designs of Meander Inductor Nelu Bla,
Goran Mikovic, Andrea Maric, Mirjana Damnjanovic, Goran
Radosavljevic, and Ljiljana ivanov Sensor Lett.
11, 636-641 (2013) [Abstract]
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Study on Dead-Time for Measuring PWM
Waveform of Electric Vehicle's Driving Motor on Test Bench
Qiang Song, Chen Guang Lv, Jian Bo Jin, and Yuan Fang Shi Sensor
Lett. 11, 642-645 (2013) [Abstract]
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Capacitive Low Temperature Co-Fired
Ceramic Fluidic Sensor Goran Radosavljevic,
Mariana Madalina Pochia, Daniela Rosca, Nelu Bla, and
Andrea Maric Sensor Lett. 11, 646-649 (2013) [Abstract]
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Synthesis and Characterization of
Nanoporous Gold Film for the Sensitive Detection of Glucose
Yu Jun Yang, Qin He, Lili Guo, and Heng Zhang Sensor
Lett. 11, 650-655 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Nanocomposite of Nickel
Hexacyanoferrate Dots-Graphene Nanosheets-Applied to the
Electrocatalytic Oxidation and Determination of
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine R. Dehdari Vais, N.
Sattarahmady, and H. Heli Sensor Lett. 11, 656-664
(2013) [Abstract]
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Kernel-Based Estimation of Driving Space
for Vehicle Hypothesis Generation in Advanced Driver Assistance
Systems Yan-Fen Mao, Hans Wiedmann, and Ming
Chen Sensor Lett. 11, 665-669 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Study of the Electrodeposited Ni-Fe
Alloy Thin Films M. Daamouche, H. Medouer, A.
Guittoum, S. Messaadi, and S. H. Karagianni Sensor
Lett. 11, 670-674 (2013) [Abstract]
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Analyzing the Development of N-Doped TiO2
Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering Marius
Dobromir, Alina Vasilica Manole, Valentin Nica, Radu Apetrei,
Maria Neagu, and Dumitru Luca Sensor Lett. 11, 675-678
(2013) [Abstract]
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Special Section on Advanced Sensor Information Technology
Guest Editor: Yuncai Zhou Sensor Lett. 11, 679
(2013) [Abstract]
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of Spherical Cymbal Transducer and Tests of Its Resonance
Frequency Wu Shilin, Zhang Qi, and Wang Jing Sensor
Lett. 11, 680-685 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Novel Hough Track Initialization
Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Environment Zemin Wu,
Jin Zhang, Lei Zhang, and Chang Tian Sensor Lett. 11,
686-691 (2013) [Abstract]
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Leakage Magnetic Field and Shielding
Research on Tank of Power Transformer Yongming
Xu, Dawei Meng, and Chao Du Sensor Lett. 11, 692-696
(2013) [Abstract]
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A Clustering Routing and Coverage
Algorithm for WSN Based on Brief Artificial Fish-School
Optimization Haitao Xiao, Xue Zhao, and Harutoshi
Ogai Sensor Lett. 11, 697-703 (2013) [Abstract]
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Queueing-Network-Based Delay Analysis
and Path Selection Improvement of Wireless Sensor Network
Lin Feng, Wei Wang, Tie Qiu, Weifeng Sun, and Yu Zhou Sensor
Lett. 11, 704-709 (2013) [Abstract]
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Multiple Regression Machine System Based
on Ensemble Extreme Learning Machine for Soft Sensor
Yuqing Chang, Shu Wang, Huixin Tian, and Zhen Zhao Sensor
Lett. 11, 710-714 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Analysis of Key Technology of the
Multimedia Data Content Detection System Based on Perceptual
Hash Wenyin NI, Jianxin Wang, Shunping Chen, and
Zhibing Liu Sensor Lett. 11, 715-718 (2013) [Abstract]
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Application of Particle Swarm
Optimization in Hollow Cylinder Type Force Transducer with
Ultra Low Height Keqin Li and Chaofu Zhu Sensor
Lett. 11, 719-721 (2013) [Abstract]
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Research on High Precision Time Signals
Transmission Method Guoping Zhou and Jicheng Zhang Sensor
Lett. 11, 722-725 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Protection Algorithm of Personal
Privacy Information in Sensors Network Liang Wu
and Yaping Jing Sensor Lett. 11, 726-730 (2013) [Abstract]
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Channel Models of Body Area Networks
Yu Pang, Qian Lei, Jinzhao Lin, Zhangyong Li, and Yi Ren Sensor
Lett. 11, 731-735 (2013) [Abstract]
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Extraction Research of Remote Sensing
Water Information Based on TM/ETM in Arid and Semiarid Areas
Yong Ao Sensor Lett. 11, 736-740 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Field on the Brightness of
Light Emitting Devices Wang Li Zhong, Zhang Wei
Liang, Zhang Gang, and Huang Tao Sensor Lett. 11,
741-744 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Node Localization Algorithm for
Wireless Sensor Networks Using Distance Clustering to Select
the Anchor Nodes Xiaohui Chen, Jinpeng Chen, Chen
Chen, Jing He, and Bangjun Lei Sensor Lett. 11,
745-748 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
11, Number 3 (March 2013) pp. 447-621 |
New Satellite Sensor Technology Monitoring of Surface
Deformation in Xiangshan Uranium Field Yu-feng
Zhu, Shijian Zhou, Tieding Lu, and Yan Luo Sensor
Lett. 11, 447-451 (2013) [Abstract]
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RESEARCH ARTICLES Characterization
of Suspended Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Film Formed by AC
Dielectrophoresis for Infrared Sensing Applications
June Kyoo Lee, Ho Jung, Ju Chan Choi, Taechang An, Geunbae
Lim, and Seong Ho Kong Sensor Lett. 11, 452-458 (2013) [Abstract]
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Behavior of Metal and Emeraldine Salt
for Detection of Threshold Level of Sucrose and Citric Acid in
Impedance Mode Mopsy Dhiman, Pawan Kapur,
Abhijit Ganguli, and Madan Lal Singla Sensor Lett. 11,
459-465 (2013) [Abstract]
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Monopolar Impedance Sensing Microdevices
for Characterization of Cells and Tissue Culture Rangadhar
Pradhan, Lopamudra Das, Jyotirmoy Chatterjee, Mahitosh Mandal
Analava Mitra, and Soumen Das Sensor Lett. 11, 466-475
(2013) [Abstract]
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Langmuir-Blodgett Thin Film
Characterization and Vapor Sensing Properties of Boron
Containing Materials M. Evyapan, R. Çapan,
M. Erdogan, and H. Namli Sensor Lett. 11, 476-482
(2013) [Abstract]
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A High Quality Factor and Wide
Measurement Range Biosensor Based on Photonic Crystal
Nanocavity Resonator Saeed Olyaee and Samira
Najafgholinezhad Sensor Lett. 11, 483-488 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Integrated Ant Colony Optimization
Based Synchronization Scheme with Leapfrog for Wireless Sensor
Networks Liang-Teh Lee, Ching-Wei Chen, and
Shin-Tsung Lee Sensor Lett. 11, 489-493 (2013) [Abstract]
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Organic-Inorganic Composite Poly-N-Epoxypropylcarbazole-Nickel
Phthalocynine-Cu2O Based Humidity Sensor
Rizwan Akram, Muhammad Saleem, Qayyum Zafar, and Khasan S.
Karimov Sensor Lett. 11, 494-499 (2013) [Abstract]
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Kinetics of Interaction of Hydrogen with
Nanostructured C-Pd Films for Hydrogen Sensing A.
Kaminska, S. Krawczyk, M. Kozlowski, E. Czerwosz, and K.
Sobczak Sensor Lett. 11, 500-504 (2013) [Abstract]
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Micro-Pellistor Based on Hafnium Dioxide
Thin Films as Insulating Layer Xifeng Liu,
Hanpeng Dong, and Shanhong Xia Sensor Lett. 11,
505-511 (2013) [Abstract]
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Tailoring Surface Plasmon Resonance
Wavelengths and Sensoric Potential of Core-Shell Metal
Nanoparticles Jagmeet Singh Sekhon, Hitendra K.
Malik, and S. S. Verma Sensor Lett. 11, 512-518 (2013) [Abstract]
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Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Stabilized
Plasmonic Nanosensors Chaoming Wang, Haining
Wang, Shengli Zou, and Liyuan Ma Sensor Lett. 11,
519-525 (2013) [Abstract]
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Gas Sensing Behavior of Fluorescein
Sodium Impregnated MCM-41 for Sulphur Dioxide Surbhi
Kumari and P. D. Sahare Sensor Lett. 11, 526-530
(2013) [Abstract]
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Highly Sensitive Electrochemical
Biosensing of Methyl Parathion Pesticide Based on
Acetylcholinesterase Immobilized Onto Graphene-Fe3O4
Nanocomposite Zhi-Min Liu, Yan-Feng Jing,
Zhen-Ling Wang, Hai-Jun Zhan, and Qi Shen Sensor Lett.
11, 531-538 (2013) [Abstract]
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ZnO Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors Built
on Zein-Coated Flexible Food Packages Pavel
Ivanoff Reyes, Ji Li, Ziqing Duan, Xiaotian Yang, Ying Cai,
Qingrong Huang, and Yicheng Lu Sensor Lett. 11,
539-544 (2013) [Abstract]
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Developed a Sensor Based on
1-Hexyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/Multi-Walled
Carbon Nanotube/Chitosan Nanocomposite for Simultaneous
Determination of Paracetamol, Uric Acid and Mefenamic Acid
A. Asghari, S. Kianipour, M. Afrasiabi, and M. Rajabi Sensor
Lett. 11, 545-551 (2013) [Abstract]
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Morphology-Driven Sensitivity
Enhancement in Organic Nanowire Chemiresistors Antonis
Dragoneas, Martin Grell, Mark Hampton, and J. Emyr Macdonald Sensor
Lett. 11, 552-555 (2013) [Abstract]
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LaCoO3 Perovskites for CO
Sensing Saengdoen Daungdaw, Sanya Prangsri-Aroon,
Pinsuda Viravathana, Atchana Wongchaisuwat, and Chutima
Eamchotchawalit Sensor Lett. 11, 556-559 (2013) [Abstract]
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Evaluation of Chewing and Swallowing
Sensors for Monitoring Ingestive Behavior Juan M.
Fontana and Edward S. Sazonov Sensor Lett. 11, 560-565
(2013) [Abstract]
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Systematic Evolution of Ligands by
Exponential Enrichment Selection of Specific Aptamer for
Sensing of Methamphetamine Mohsen Ebrahimi,
Hossein Hamzeiy, Jaleh Barar, Abolfazl Barzegari, and Yadollah
Omidi Sensor Lett. 11, 566-570 (2013) [Abstract]
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Selective Determination of Erbium in the
Mixture of Other Lanthanide Ions by a Potentiometric Sensor Hassan
Ali Zamani and Farnoush Faridbod Sensor Lett. 11,
571-575 (2013) [Abstract]
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Three-Dimensional Cauliflower-Like SnO2
Structure with High Ethanol Sensing Properties Xiaohua
Jia, Yingying Liu, and Jianhui Zhang Sensor Lett. 11,
576-579 (2013) [Abstract]
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Organic Vapor Sensing Properties of WO3
Platelets Synthesized by Homogeneous Precipitation
Wei Fen Jiang, Hong Tao Cai, Zhan Zhe Zhang, Lei Xu, and
Yu Sheng Wang Sensor Lett. 11, 580-584 (2013) [Abstract]
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An All Solid-State Creatinine Biosensor
Based on Ammonium-Selective PVC-NH2 Membrane
Electrode Osman Cubuk, Melda Altikatoglu, Vildan
Erci, Ibrahim Isildak, and Nihat Tinkilic Sensor Lett.
11, 585-590 (2013) [Abstract]
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Potentiometric Sensor for Yttrium (III)
Based on Tin [IV] Molybdotungstate as an Electroactive
Material Harish K. Sharma and Nadeem Sharma Sensor
Lett. 11, 591-595 (2013) [Abstract]
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Printed One-Time-Use Carbon
Nanotube-Based Films for Sensing Applications Nikos
G. Tsierkezos, Nora Wetzold, Arved Carl Hübler, and Uwe
Ritter Sensor Lett. 11, 596-602 (2013) [Abstract]
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Simultaneous Determination of Rutin and
Quercetin at a Graphite Oxide and Ionic Liquid Modified
Electrode by Square Wave Voltammetry Jiuji
Guo, Wei Kong, Le Wang, Haixia Ren, Xiaodan Sun, Baoxian Ye,
and Qi Shen Sensor Lett. 11, 603-606 (2013) [Abstract]
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Potentiometric Determination of Dopamine
Using a Solid-Contact Polymeric Membrane Ion-Selective
Electrode Tanji Yin and Wei Qin Sensor
Lett. 11, 607-612 (2013) [Abstract]
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the Nanoparticle or Macromolecule Mass Detection in Fluid
Utilizing Vibrating Micro-/Nanoresonators Including Carbon
Nanotubes Ivo Stachiv Sensor Lett. 11,
613-616 (2013) [Abstract]
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An Innovative Principle in
Self-Calibration by Dual Ultrasonic Sensor and Application in
Rain Gauge Guilin Zheng, Zhanwei Xu, and Li Ding Sensor
Lett. 11, 617-621 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
11, Number 2 (February 2013) pp.
213-445 |
of Nano-Structured Mg(Cr0.5_Al0.5)xFe2
- xO4 Ceramics for Gas Sensing Application
Ali Jawad, S. S. Z. Ashraf, Rokiah Hashim, and Raza Murad
Ghalib Sensor Lett. 11, 213-222 (2013) [Abstract]
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Anthrone Derivatives as Voltammetric
Sensors for Applications in Metal Ion Detection Susheel
K. Mittal, Karamjeet Kaur, S. K. Ashok Kumar, Subodh Kumar,
and Ashwani Kumar Sensor Lett. 11, 223-236 (2013) [Abstract]
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Study of Thermal Behavior of Porcelain
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Lerantzis, P. T. Tsarabaris, and N. J. Theodorou Sensor
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Liquefied Petroleum Gas Sensing of
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Parveen, Anilkumar koppalkar, and Aashis S. Roy Sensor
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Impact of Sensor Data Patterns on
Performance Evaluation of Clustering Schemes in Wireless
Sensor Networks Dongmin Choi, Sangman Moh, and
Ilyong Chung Sensor Lett. 11, 249-258 (2013) [Abstract]
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Social Emotional Optimization Algorithm
with Gaussian Distribution for Optimal Coverage Problem
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A New Stress Isolation Method in the
Packaging of Resonant Pressure Micro Sensors Yuxin
Li, Deyong Chen, Junbo Wang, and Jian Chen Sensor
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Analytical Modeling of Monolayer
Graphene-based NO2 Sensor Meisam
Rahmani, M. T. Ahmadi, H. Karimi F. A., M. J. Kiani, E.
Akbari, and Razali Ismail Sensor Lett. 11, 270-275
(2013) [Abstract]
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Experimental Measurement of Forcing
Vibration Using Optical Fiber Sensors Shiuh-Chuan
Her and Chih-Min Yang Sensor Lett. 11, 276-279 (2013) [Abstract]
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Analysis and Investigation of
Ellipsoidal Structure Based Gas Detection System Lichun
Wu, Jianqiang Huang, Yahui Chuai, Tieqiang Zhang, Yiding Wang,
and Yu Zhang Sensor Lett. 11, 280-285 (2013) [Abstract]
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Physical Characterization of
Ruthenium-Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Solid Films Deposited by the
Sol-Gel Technique: Gas-Sensing Performance in a Propane
Atmosphere L. Castañeda, M. Avendaño-Alejo,
H. Gómez, M. de la L. Olvera, and A. Maldonado Sensor
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Contactless Time-Gated Technique for
Electromagnetic Interrogation of Micromechanical Resonator
Sensors Emanuele Tonoli, Marco Baù, and
Vittorio Ferrari Sensor Lett. 11, 294-298 (2013) [Abstract]
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Artificial Plant Optimization Algorithm
with Hybrid Photosynthesis Operator and Application to
Wireless Sensor Networks Zhihua Cui,
Shujing Fan, Jianchao Zeng, and Zhongzhi Shi Sensor
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Electrochemical Properties of Rosmarinic
Acid and Its Analytical Application Jing Wang,
Kai Zhang, Jing Zhou, Jie Liu, and Baoxian Ye Sensor
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Evaluation of Wall Paint Emissivity
During Infrared Thermography Temperature Measurement
P. I. Lerantzis, N. V. Kontogiannis, P. T. Tsarabaris, and
N. J. Theodorou Sensor Lett. 11, 311-313 (2013) [Abstract]
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Performance Study of Vibration Based
Copper Omega Type Electromechanical Mass Flow Sensor
Pravin P. Patil and Satish C. Sharma Sensor Lett.
11, 314-320 (2013) [Abstract]
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Voltammetric Behavior of Rutin at a
Vertically Aligned Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Electrode
Min-Ling Ye, Bin Xu, and Wei-De Zhang Sensor Lett.
11, 321-327 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Piezoelectric Wind Energy Harvester
for Wireless Sensor Networks Zhao Xingqiang and
Wen Zhiyu Sensor Lett. 11, 328-332 (2013) [Abstract]
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Polysilicon Nanowire Fabrication as a
Transducer for Fast Reaction Assays in Nano Lab-on-Chip Domain
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Leow, and Pei Song Chee Sensor Lett. 11, 333-336
(2013) [Abstract]
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Dual-Functional Tris(2-phenylpyridine)
Iridium Nanowires: Luminescent and Electrochemiluminescent
Sensors Debao Xiao, Lili Liu, and Zhanjun Gu Sensor
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Simulation and Optimization of Lens
Design for Single Light Emitting Diode Qiao Fen
Zhang, Jian Gao, Xin Chen, and Zhiliang Wang Sensor
Lett. 11, 342-347 (2013) [Abstract]
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Layer-by-Layer Films Containing SiO2
Nanoparticles as Field-Effect pH Sensors Izabela
G. Arruda, Nirton C. S. Vieira, Rodrigo Pereira, Edson
Ferreira Chagas, Francisco E. G. Guimarães, and Romildo.
J. Ramos Sensor Lett. 11, 348-351 (2013) [Abstract]
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Mutual Authenticate Protocol Among
Sensors in the Military Operation Environment Ho-Kyung
Yang, Hwang-Bin Ryou, Jin-Mook Kim, and Hwa-Young Jeong Sensor
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Organic Light Emitting Diode Pixel
Defect Detection Through Patterned Background Removal
Wang Zhiliang, Gao Jian, Chen Xin, and Zhao Weiming Sensor
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A Novel Pt(bipy)2Cl2-Poly(vinyl
chloride) Membrane Sensor for Mefenamic Acid Detection in
Pharmaceutical and Blood Samples Mohammad
Bagher Gholivand, Arash Babakhanian, Hamed Derakhshi, Saherah
Najafi, Mohammad Joshaghani, Ali Eshghi, and Sina Farajie
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Transmission-Mode Scanner for Potassium
Determination Using Colorimetric Disposable Sensors
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and Luis Fermin Capitán-Vallvey Sensor Lett.
11, 368-376 (2013) [Abstract]
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Markov Chains Modelling for Biometric
System Reliability Estimations in Supply Chain Management
Robert Brumnik, Podbregar Iztok, and Ferjancic-Podbregar
Mojca Sensor Lett. 11, 377-383 (2013) [Abstract]
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Data Privacy Protection Solution for
Ubiquitous Sensor Networks Jin Wang, Ho-Chan Kim,
Wei Tian, Sai Ji, and Jeong-Uk Kim Sensor Lett. 11,
384-387 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electrochemical Behaviour of a Modified
Carbon Nanotube Paste Electrode and Its Application for Simultaneous
Determination of Epinephrine, Uric Acid and Folic Acid
Somayeh Mohammadi, Hadi Beitollahi, and Alireza Mohadesi Sensor
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Gold Nanoparticles Modified
Polypyrrole/Iron Electrode Used as Sensor for Hydrazine
Detection D. Oukil, L. Benhaddad, L. Makhloufi,
R. Aitout, and B. Saidani Sensor Lett. 11, 395-404
(2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Anionic, Cationic and
Nonionic Surfactants on Response of Ibuprofen PVC Sensors
Joanna Lenik Sensor Lett. 11, 405-412 (2013) [Abstract]
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A Multi-Walled Carbon Nano-Tube and
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Carbon Electrode as a New Sensor for the Sensitive
Simultaneous Determination of Ascorbic Acid, Dopamine and
Uric Acid Ali Babaei, Majid Aminikhah, and
Ali Reza Taheri Sensor Lett. 11, 413-422 (2013) [Abstract]
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Gas Sensing Properties of Nano-Tungsten
Oxide (WO3) Prepared by a Microwave-Assisted
Decomposition Zhenyu Wang, Peng Sun, Tianlin
Yang, Xiaowei Li, Yu Du, Xishuang Liang, Jing Zhao, Yinping
Liu, and Geyu Lu Sensor Lett. 11, 423-427 (2013) [Abstract]
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A New Diagnostic Tool for Measuring
Total Antioxidants in Tea Sarani Sen and
Priyabrata Sarkar Sensor Lett. 11, 428-435 (2013) [Abstract]
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Biosensor Based on Malic Dehydrogenase
Immobilized in a CdS-Graphene-Chitosan Nanocomposite for
Root-Exuded Malic Acid Determination Yanyou Wu,
Huiyang Niu, Kun Wang, Qian Liu, Henan Li, Xiaoya Dong, Kuan
Zhao, and Yongli Zhu Sensor Lett. 11, 436-441 (2013) [Abstract]
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Novel Thin Shear-Stress Sensor Using Electrolyte as a
Conductive Element Shigeru Toyama, Sayoko Utsumi,
Takashi Nakamura, Terumasa Noguchi, and Yasuhiko Yoshida Sensor
Lett. 11, 442-445 (2013) [Abstract]
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Article] |
11, Number 1 (January 2013) pp. 1-212 |
Special Issue on Magnetic Sensors Guest Editor:
Evangelos V. Hristoforou Sensor Lett. 11, 1 (2013) [Abstract]
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of Soft-Magnetic Amorphous Materials as Position Sensors
Kiessling Albert Sensor Lett. 11, 2-8 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Magnetic Hysteresis in
Solenoid Valve Operation Christopher P. Riley Sensor
Lett. 11, 9-12 (2013) [Abstract]
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Controlling Anisotropy of NiFe Thin
Films During Deposition for Device Applications D.
Atkinson, S. Searle, M. Jefferies, J. Levy, and H. Cramman Sensor
Lett. 11, 13-20 (2013) [Abstract]
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Solving Inverse Electromagnetic Sensing
Problems Using Pareto Optimization Christopher P.
Riley Sensor Lett. 11, 21-25 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Loaded Mass on Moving
Properties of IN-Piping Magnetic Actuator Group H.
Yaguchi and N. Sato Sensor Lett. 11, 26-31 (2013) [Abstract]
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Remagnetization Process of Fe-Rich
Amorphous Wire Under Time Dependent Tensile Stress
Przemyslaw Gawro?ski, Alexander Chizhik, Juan Mari Blanco,
and Julian Gonzalez Sensor Lett. 11, 32-35 (2013) [Abstract]
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Evaluation of a Thin Film Giant
Magneto-Impedance Electronic Compass A. García-Arribas,
E. Fernández, I. Orue, D de Cos, J. M. Barandiaran, J.
M. Mitxelena, and F. Martínez Sensor Lett. 11,
36-39 (2013) [Abstract]
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Various Coiled Magnetoimpedance Based on
Differential Magnetic Permeability Variation J.
Moutoussamy, C. Coillot, G. Chanteur, and F. Alvès Sensor
Lett. 11, 40-43 (2013) [Abstract]
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Testing and Calibration of Magnetic
Sensors Pavel Ripka and Ales Zikmund Sensor
Lett. 11, 44-49 (2013) [Abstract]
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Microwire Electroplated Under Torsion as
Core for Coil-Less Fluxgate Mattia Butta, Pavel
Ripka, Manuel Vázquez, Germán Infante, and Lud?k
Kraus Sensor Lett. 11, 50-52 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Anisotropy and Giant
Magnetoimpedance in NiFe Electroplated on Cu Wires
Ludek Kraus, Mattia Butta, and Pavel Ripka Sensor
Lett. 11, 53-55 (2013) [Abstract]
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Development of Sensors for Measurement
of Localised Flux Density in Transformer Cores Rafal
Mazurek, Philip Marketos, Anthony Moses, and Thierry Belgrand Sensor
Lett. 11, 56-58 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetization Distribution Near Edge of
YIG Film Core in Fluxgate Magnetometer Petr
Vetoshko, Vladimir Skidanov, and Alexander Stempkovskiy Sensor
Lett. 11, 59-61 (2013) [Abstract]
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Reluctance Sensor for Penetration Depth
Control in Friction Stir Welding A. García-Arribas,
J. Feutchwanger, E. Fernández, M. Penalva, and B.
Arregi Sensor Lett. 11, 62-65 (2013) [Abstract]
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Generated Vibration Modes in Ultrasonic
Scaler Transducer Components Paul A. Bartlett,
Simon C. Lea, Turgut Meydan, Paul I. Williams, Gabriel
Landini, A. Damien Walmsley, and Anthony J. Moses Sensor
Lett. 11, 66-68 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetopneumography Using Optical
Position Reference A. Platil, J. Tomek, O.
Pribula, M. Janosek, J. Fischer, and P. Ripka Sensor
Lett. 11, 69-73 (2013) [Abstract]
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Temperature Stability of AMR Sensors
Pavel Ripka, Mattia Butta, and Antonin Platil Sensor
Lett. 11, 74-77 (2013) [Abstract]
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Investigation of Giant Magneto-Impedance
Effect in Inorganic Nickel Coated Amorphous Ribbons
A. A. Taysioglu, A. Peksoz, N. Derebasi, and T. Meydan Sensor
Lett. 11, 78-80 (2013) [Abstract]
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The Influence of the Magnetic
Susceptibility of Coated Amorphous Ribbons on Giant-Magneto
Impedance Effect A. A. Taysioglu, A. Peksoz, N.
Derebasi, and T. Meydan Sensor Lett. 11, 81-83 (2013) [Abstract]
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Process-Independent Integrated
Sensitivity Calibration of 3D Hall Sensors Markus
Stahl-Offergeld, Roland Ernst, Hans-Peter Hohe, and Andreas
Schütze Sensor Lett. 11, 84-86 (2013) [Abstract]
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Micropositioning Through
Magnetostrictive Actuators O. Bottauscio, P. E.
Roccato, and M. Zucca Sensor Lett. 11, 87-90 (2013) [Abstract]
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Electronic Toll and Road Traffic
Monitoring System Using 3-D Field AMR Sensors J.
Petrou, P. Skafidas, and E. Hristoforou Sensor Lett.
11, 91-95 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetization Dynamics and
Magnetoimpedance Effect of Novel Fe-B-Si-M (M = Ta, Y)
Amorphous Wires S. Báez, I. Betancourt, M.
Vázquez, and R. Valenzuela Sensor Lett. 11,
96-97 (2013) [Abstract]
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Downsizing of LC Markers for a Wireless
Magnetic Position Detection System S. Hashi, S.
Yabukami, K. Ishiyama, and K. I. Arai Sensor Lett. 11,
98-101 (2013) [Abstract]
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Orthogonal Fields Controlled Fluxgate
with Ferrofluid O. Baltag Sensor Lett.
11, 102-105 (2013) [Abstract]
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Effect of Co and Cu Layer Thicknesses on
Characterization of Electrodeposited Co/Cu Multilayers
Mürside Haciismailoglu, Mürsel Alper, and Hakan
Kockar Sensor Lett. 11, 106-109 (2013) [Abstract]
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Preparation of Magnetoelectric
Composites by Nucleation of the Electroactive
of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) by NiZnFe2O4
Nanoparticles P. Martins, C. M. Costa, M.
Benelmekki, and S. Lanceros-Mendez Sensor Lett. 11,
110-114 (2013) [Abstract]
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Spectral Characteristics of the Arrays
of Magnetically Coupled Glass-Covered Microwires V.
Rodionova, M. Ilyn, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, N. Perov, J.
Gonzalez, and A. Zhukov Sensor Lett. 11, 115-118
(2013) [Abstract]
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Influence of Oxide Layer Coating on
Giant Magneto-Impedance Response in Amorphous Ribbons
A. A. Taysioglu, A. Peksoz, N. Derebasi, and T. Meydan Sensor
Lett. 11, 119-121 (2013) [Abstract]
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Changing of Geometry Related Magnetic
Flux Distribution in Electrical Steels Used in Transformer
Cores Sezer Erdem and Naim Derebasi Sensor
Lett. 11, 122-124 (2013) [Abstract]
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Imaging Metal Surface Cracks with Giant
Magnetoimpedance Sensor M. M. Tehranchi, H.
Eftekhari, and M. Ranjbaran Sensor Lett. 11, 125-127
(2013) [Abstract]
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Piezoelectric Sensors System for Impact
Detecting J. A. Somolinos, R. Morales, A. Garcia,
and C. Moron Sensor Lett. 11, 128-130 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetization Reversal Mechanism in
FeCoNiB Nanowire Arrays Malini Vieyra and Turgut
Meydan Sensor Lett. 11, 131-133 (2013) [Abstract]
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Resonant Response of
Magnetostrictive/New Piezoelectric Polymer Magnetoelectric
Laminate Jon Gutiérrez, Jose Manuel
Barandiarán, Andoni Lasheras, Jose Luis Vilas, María
San Sebastián, and Luis Manuel León Sensor
Lett. 11, 134-137 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magneto-Optical Actuator for
Displacement Measurement P. Ramirez, E. Tremps,
A. Garcia, and C. Moron Sensor Lett. 11, 138-140
(2013) [Abstract]
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Analytical Calculation of the Torque
Exerted Between Two Permanent Magnets Hicham
Allag and Jean-Paul Yonnet Sensor Lett. 11, 141-144
(2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Field Sensing Properties of
Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Based Nanocomposites
A. Perrone, A. I. Savchuk, H. De Rosa, I. D. Stolyarchuk,
V. V. Makoviy, M. M. Smolinsky, and O. A. Savchuk Sensor
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Double Pumping Fluxgate Magnetometer
O. Baltag Sensor Lett. 11, 149-152 (2013) [Abstract]
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Induction Magnetometer in MHz Range
Operation K. Tashiro, S. Inoue, H. Wakiwaka, H.
Yasui, and H. Kinoshita Sensor Lett. 11, 153-156
(2013) [Abstract]
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Development of a Frequency Change Output
Type Sensor Device by Pressure Change Using SmFe Thin Film
Hiroyuki Wakiwaka, Toshiyuki Takeuchi, Naoki Ito, Kunihisa
Tashiro, Mika Makimura, and Teruo Kiyomiya Sensor
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Giant Magneto-Impedance Effect in
Paramagnetic Asphaltene Coated Amorphous Ribbons A.
Peksoz, A. A. Taysioglu, and N. Derebasi Sensor Lett.
11, 161-163 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetoelastic Bilayer Sensors: From
Technology to Application Kaniusas Eugenijus, Pfützner
Helmut, Meydan Turgut, Vazquez Manuel, and Varoneckas Giedrius Sensor
Lett. 11, 164-169 (2013) [Abstract]
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Fast Magnetization Switching in Thin
Wires: Magnetoelastic and Defects Contributions A.
Zhukov, J. M. Blanco, M. Ipatov, and V. Zhukova Sensor
Lett. 11, 170-176 (2013) [Abstract]
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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study
C. Moron, P. Ramirez, E. Tremps, and A. Garcia Sensor
Lett. 11, 177-179 (2013) [Abstract]
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FeCoNi Electroplated Wire Based
Magnetoimpedance Sensitive Element M. Angeles
Cerdeira, Pongsakorn Jantaratana, Vladimir O. Vas'kovskiy, and
Galina V. Kurlyandskaya Sensor Lett. 11, 180-183
(2013) [Abstract]
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Design and Characterization of a
Magnetostrictive Torque Sensor Ktena Aphrodite,
Manasis Christos, and Tsakiridis Petros Sensor Lett.
11, 184-186 (2013) [Abstract]
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Magnetic Properties and Domain Wall
Propagation in Micrometric Amorphous Microwires J.
M. Blanco, V. Zhukova, M. Ipatov, and A. Zhukov Sensor
Lett. 11, 187-190 (2013) [Abstract]
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Human Biomagnetic Field Measurement
Using Pico-Tesla Sensitive Amorphous Wire Magnetoimpedance
Sensor T. Uchiyama, K. Mohri, and S. Nakayama Sensor
Lett. 11, 191-194 (2013) [Abstract]
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Coil-Less Fluxgate Effect in Negatively
Magnetostrictive Co72.5Si12.5B15
Amorphous Wire S. Atalay, N. Bayri, A. Fidan, V.
Yagmur, T. Izgi, F. E. Atalay, and V. S. Kolat Sensor
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Bi-Layer Sensor Parameter Optimisation
in FM Based Systems G. S. Katranas and T. Meydan Sensor
Lett. 11, 199-201 (2013) [Abstract]
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Determination of Carrier Concentrations
in P-GaSb/n-InGaAsSb Type II Misaligned
Heterojunctions by the Conductivity-Magnetic Field
Dependence Muhitdin Ahmetoglu and Banu Kucur Sensor
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Size and Temperature Dependence of the
Magnetic Properties of Electrodeposited FeCoNiB Nanowires
Malini Vieyra, Turgut Meydan, and Tibor-Adrian Óvári Sensor
Lett. 11, 205-208 (2013) [Abstract]
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Barkhausen Noise Sensor with Direct
Field Control Oleksandr Stupakov Sensor
Lett. 11, 209-212 (2013) [Abstract]
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